I ran my own photography business before I got married. I continued to do photography the first couple years of marriage. But after baby #2 was born I felt like it was just too much when I needed to focus on my babies.
Well, fast forward 8 years… and it would seem that YAH (God) has chosen to reopen my old photography business. No, for real, it’s been all him.
I got a new camera this year purely intending it for my own enjoyment.
I shared a few photos of plants and my kids and a few friends on Facebook just to share a little of the fun I was having with my new toy.
I quit selling jewelry online over a year ago, so I haven’t had much for “extra spending money,” and hubbies work has been slow again this year. So I was starting to think if maybe there was something I could do to add to our finances from home. But didn’t think too much about it as we’ve been very busy on the farm, and I’ve had the Lord telling me to “Bloom where planted” in this season of life. So just been focusing on being content with where we’re at and building our farm dream as we can where we are, because this is where we’ve been planted, so this is where we’re gonna bloom at this time.
Well, a bit later I was asked for a price quote to photograph a friend’s wedding. And I was contacted by a distant cousin about having some couples photos done for an anniversary.
Now, I’ve got 1 photo session done, 2 more getting on the schedule, 1 wedding for sure this year, and may have another wedding for next year! I still haven’t actually done any advertising and am just now publicly sharing some photos from my first paying gig!
I always considered my old photography biz to be part business and part ministry. And this new biz is looking to be exactly that way already. I can minister to people, encourage people, and give them an art to bless them and their home.
And without further ado…
Heres some photos for this beautiful couple celebrating 3 years together!