Do I still Do Photography?

Why, yes! yes I do! But, I do it for me!

I kinda got burned out doing it as a business. All the advertising, photographing, post processing, editing, burning, deadlines… and then my babies being sick or teething,or growth spurt and just needing mom…

It just all got to be WAY more than I could handle. I was stressed out, my customers were unhappy cause of missed deadlines… it wasn’t fair to anybody.

So now, I mainly do photography on my own time, for me. Without deadlines, and without clients most the time.

I still accept clients, but I mostly wait for them to come to me, rather than me actively advertising and searching out clients.

Now, I’m back! I’m back to enjoying photography as my art form again! And it’s SO good!

I’ve done a couple weddings, some family photos, but majority of whats on my computer are just pix of my little girls growing up and having adventures. And those are what I love to see the most!

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I took this photo this afternoon. with no hurry, no pressure. just me and my girls enjoying an enchanted evening!

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