Quick Tips: Weddings

sense of place.

It’s not uncommon for an amateur photographer to be asked to shoot a friend or relatives wedding, a day full of high emotions, fancy decor, and special moments. But first, there’s a few tips you should have in your arsenal before attempting a wedding.

#1: Know your limitations. If you’re just there as a guest with a camera on hand, do not step on the toes of the Official photographer, don’t get in her way. If you are the Official Photographer, know ahead of time where you can be and how much moving you can do.

#2: Give a sense of place in your photos. Is the wedding in a church? On a farm? in a valley? On a hill? where is it? You will want to take a few wide-angle photos to answer this question for those who were not present at the event but will be seeing the photos.

#3: Be Alert. Keep your eyes wide open, try to almost predict when something is about to happen, be aware of what is going on around you.

#4: Be Ready. Anything can happen at any time. It’s up to you as the photographer to capture the events of the day and turn an ordinary photo into a memory and work of art that will be treasured for years to come.

This is Sarah’s Scenes real Life photographer.

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